after life

These pieces were created over several days, sometimes weeks. They’re made by blocking sunlight on an organic surface (apples, leaves and more) to create an image or shape; a kind of sun bleaching. Nature is back at the heart of my work. Being in nature is where I feel most at ease; nature’s my favourite teacher. My earlier projects en route to art school were inspired by the shapes of trees; how they hold their boughs  up reaching for light, leaves outstretched like fingers to drink in the energy of the sun. 

Each piece is about my own take on faith, a faith in nature.

These are ephemeral pieces; all that’s left of most pieces now are their photographs. Their decomposition ended in the soil or the compost heap; the compost brought more of nature’s abundance into being.

I could write about this project for hours. Perhaps I’ll do a blog post about it and put a link in here when I do. All I’ll say is that I find nature to be abundant, generous, free. She just needs space to grow.


true colours - anthotypes: prints from plants


changing perspectives: pinhole photography