Hand reading in Norfolk


From October ‘24 I’m able to offer hand analysis on Wednesdays and Saturdays from Wymondham’s Green Room on Town Green, Wymondham.  You can park in Town Green’s car park, behind the Feathers pub, Westgate, Town Green, Wymondham NR18 0PX.

I can still come to you for readings if you’re not far from Wymondham, or we can do an online reading if you’re further away.  Just get in touch and we’ll organise it for you!  Don’t forget I do readings at parties and for families in your home!

Reno Refills on Market Street in the centre of Wymondham has sadly closed recently.  I’m so grateful to Chris and all the team for welcoming me there, and allowing me to use their consulting room for my work.  It’s been amazing!

While I’m here, I thought I’d show you the process of inking up your palms in order to give you your reading. I use water based ink, so it’ll soon come off with some wipes which I provide. Your inked hands will give me a clear print of your palm’s lines and your fingerprints for me to read from. Every pair of hands is so unique, and within them we can see your innermost gifts and challenges. You can read more about the benefits of hand reading therapy in this link and contact me to book in for your reading. 

A reading lasts one hour, at £50


Hand readings online


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