Be Here Now
This is a quote from my favourite spiritual teacher. He’s so much my favourite that I named my van after him - Van Dass.
Ram Dass was such an interesting character, a wise and funny man who followed his spiritual path and still informs and entertains so many of us to this day, thanks to his writings and the videos of his talks and his work. I often mention him to those who come to me for hand readings who seem to me to be looking for a place to retrace the spiritual path they wandered away from in the later of their formative years.
It strikes me that much of this way of being in the spiritual world, the world of the right side of the brain which is our intuitive nature, where creativity and intuition and spirituality reside, is swiped away as nonsense while we’re growing up. To me, it seems our education systems want us to focus on the left brain logic, learning by rote and believing that keeping busy is The Way. I’m not convinced this is the authentic way for all of us to live. Sure, there are those who thrive in the world of business and acquisition, but it doesn’t suit us all.
I personally find life way more magical when I engage my right brain. I’m not sure there’s much going on the left side of my brain! I find tech so confusing…I could never remember the dates we were told to remember when certain kings and queens reigned, when the locomotive was invented…all that his-story. So bear with me, creations are manifesting, wisdom arising, I’m halfway through writing a book about understanding your children through reading their hands…taking a break from that for the time being, since it’s terribly left-brain! I shall save the left brain work for my hand reading clients…sometimes, intuition slips in there, and I get those magical shivers throughout my body when I feel something resonating with my client…right brain in action right there!
While summer’s still here, I’m going to dream a little. Take time to breathe, to feel grateful for this roof over my head, my friends and family and the company of this household, the cats, the dog…and Ram Dass.
The last of the sunflowers from the field next door…what a happy face she has!