Between the lines
I hope you don’t mind me getting personal here, but it’s been a tough few years. I’ve been longing to find a place to live, a place to grow flowers and food again. I don’t want to move back into the van!
Since the break up of my marriage (it’s ok, we’re on good terms!) and leaving my home of over ten years where my hens roamed free in the garden and I happily pottered around between photography commissions, I seem to have lost sight of who I am, what I’m doing, y’know.
This spring, I moved back into a home where I rented a room over 20 years ago. Same room, different me. So much change has been bewildering to me. Having said that, my study of hand reading has brought me new visions, a deeper understanding of my place in this world, and a better understanding of myself. It’s all there in my fingerprints - the radial loop, composite thumbprints and (tentative) tented arches…I’m definitely feeling I’m back on my path, and the beauty of this building and its gardens is filling my heart again, renewing my confidence. It’s good to be living with other humans, too. I didn’t do too well on my own. I mean, I need space, but I need human contact, too.
I seem to have developed two air lines in my hands; those coupled with my composite thumb prints suggest to me that I need two paths, and right now these two paths of creativity through making art and the reading of hands satisfy those two parts of me. They both talk of my own true nature, and the words ‘true nature’ resonate with me so deeply.
I want to thank those of you who’ve come to me for readings and laughed and cried and shown your own astonishment at the remembrance of the latent talents and gifts you forgot you had…it’s never too late to change, and it’s so important that we remind ourselves who we are and what our true path can consist of. Living in our element is what we’re here to do. Sending love.
My 'active' hand, the one I write with, the me I'll show the general public...I'll keep my passive hand to myself! What does yours say about you??